
The English Shepherd breed is a versatile farm dog with a range of traits, both physical and mental. Breeder selection has allowed some ‘families’ within the population to have specific traits with greater consistency.

However, this consistency can quickly be lost if breeders are not actively working to preserve those specific traits. After this, a breeder’s name, kennel name, or family line may or may not have those predictable attributes anymore. Many breeders work to better their dogs, but preserving and improving is difficult to navigate when they don’t have the full picture for potential mates.

There is a lot of variation in the English Shepherd breed and finding a dog who fits your needs can be tough if you’re unfamiliar with all the different families. Knowing what the parents and close relatives are like when it comes to mental and physical traits can help you determine if a member from that English Shepherd family is right for you. Unfortunately, people lose touch, data on health/hips goes uncollected, pups from certain families never go onto breed, and we’re left with gaps in knowledge.

We’re hoping to help change that.

A big part of our mission is to make this family project open, accessible, easy to research and transparent. We’d love to see this style of collecting and sharing information flourish in the breed - to aid puppy buyers, breeders and future generations of English Shepherd lovers.

Mission & Goals

Our Mission:

  • Be welcoming, transparent & kind in ALL of our work

  • Build a community of English Shepherd owners & breeders with common goals

  • Take a practical approach to the stewardship of our breed

Our GoalS:

  • Breed for Sound Minds & Bodies

  • Embrace Data Collection & Application

  • Focus on Temperaments that allow our dogs to excel in modern life

  • Respect our breed by Preserving and Improving traits that we value

How We Can Help:

  • Make collected data useful and meaningful for current and future breeders

  • Share resources for breeding, raising and training

  • Give lesser known dogs a platform to shed light on their contributions 

  • Help breeders connect with and better evaluate potential mates for their program

  • Connect interested owners in finding an English Shepherd fit for their lifestyle